Subscribe to Teddy Bear Times & Friends
For a limited time we are making a fabulous offer to new subscribers. So join up today. Become one of the family. Your bears will thank you for it.

Teddy Bear Times & Friends is the world's only magazine devoted to the wonderful world of teddy bears.
Our passionate editorial team bring you all the news from the bear world, plus in-depth interviews with top artists from around the world, fabulous photos, and fun features. We'll tell you about up-and-coming artists to keep your eye on, and bring you the best of the big shows. Patterns for making bears, antiques to collect, plus readers' galleries…if you love bears, you'll love Teddy Bear Times & Friends.
And for a limited time we are making a fabulous offer to new subscribers.
Take out a subscription to Teddybeartimes and Friends and get all this:
- Year’s subscription to the glorious quality print edition, delivered first class to your door.
- A wonderful mini-bear from Hermann for you to cherish. Worth more than £20. FREE with our love.
- Special discount voucher for you to access the back issue digital library of the magazine.
- Access and discount to the Teddybeartimes patterns library
- Complimentary subscription to web portal
So join up today. Become one of the family. Your bears will thank you for it.
Hug xx